Human Resource


HR concept of enterprise:

ThinPAD is well aware that outstanding talent is the cornerstone for achieving the company's ambitious strategic goals. Through a competitive compensation system, our company intends to attract domestic and international talents. ThinPAD adhere to the people-oriented concept to create a platform for staff to make full use of their talents, we also adhere to the concept to make a clear division of responsibilities, making overall plans and take all factors into consideration, cultivates staff with scientific and effective training management mechanism, through fair and open internal promotion system, creates a space for employees to realize great potential for promotion and developmentǠ letting each employee in our company achieve self-value and the company's development goals, to achieve common development of employees and enterprises, with the glory. At ThinPAD we promote harmonious and positive personnel relations among colleagues, advocating "sincere communication, cooperation and dedication, mutual help" team spirit, and at the same time, we also actively carry out a variety of activities, and care for the physical and mental health of employees, and strive to create a good working atmosphere and create a superior working environment

Social recruitment:

ThinPAD provides a good job promotion platform for our staff, we sincerely invite insight and outstanding talents in the IT industry to join us. At present, our company has cooperated with "", you only need to log in the following websites for recruitment information,inquires and resume delivery. 

We will contact you as soon as possible according to your resume delivery, or you can also contact our human resources department directly through the following ways to arrange an interview! Thank you very much!

Contact: Mr. Li (Alan), HR Department

Tel: +86-755-23207772-7001,7003

Career growth:

The following is the latest recruitment information of key positions in each department of the company (last update date: ) :

● Training growth system

We pay attention to the development of individual and the collective team. Through a series of induction training, job mentor training, on-the-job skills training, special training to provide employees with a comprehensive training system, and through the echelon talent training program to implement training strategy support for employee growth.

● Broad career development space

We advocate a competitive culture, and our company is in a period of rapid development in an environment of both opportunities and challenges. Our company provides employees with career development opportunities through a series of systems such as internal promotion, job rotation, internal competition and incentive assessment.

● Relaxed employee relations atmosphere

Our company advocates happy work and happy life, and strives to create a simple and harmonious atmosphere of employee relations. For this purpose, we carry out various characteristic systems, so that employees can experience happiness at work and in life, so that the company can develop and grow together.

Salary and welfare:

ThinPAD pays attention to the harmony and unity of each employee's collective value and self-worth. In order to attract and retain outstanding talents continuously, we provide a highly competitive salary performance system. and a perfect rich welfare guarantee mechanism in the industry.

● Fixed salary:

According to the nature and responsibility of our employees, we provide them with a competitive fixed salary in the industry, and we adjust the salary and uniform salary of employees with excellent performance every year.

● Position promotion:

According to the work and performance of employees, we adjust the promotion incentive mechanism for outstanding employees, so as to improve the management ability and technical level in a timely manner, ensuring the normal management of the enterprise, and promote the development of the enterprise.

● Performance bonus:

In order to further the incentive policy, we will provide high amount of performance bonus in addition to the regular pay according to the employee's position level and employment years, design and provide a characteristic incentive mechanism. And according to different departments and responsibility, we also provide bonuses on the basis of work performance of our staff in a month (quarter, year) and the company’s month (quarter, year) target achieved degrees.

● Humanistic reasonable vacation system:

In addition to general holidays, marriage leave, funeral leave, maternity leave, sick leave and other statutory holidays stipulated by law, employees who have worked for more than one year can enjoy 5-15 days of paid annual leave according to their working years.

Rich and colorful activities:

● Travel entertainment:

The company and the welfare committee shall provide each employee with a certain amount of activity funds every year, and the welfare Committee shall be responsible for organizing travel activities.Birthday party for employees: The company and the welfare committee will hold a birthday party for employees, so that each employee can feel the warmth of the company family and make their life more colorful.

● Year-end party:

We will organize staff singing and talent competition, lucky draw and dinner party at the end of the year, promote communication and exchange between management and staff, and harmonize the atmosphere of the company.

● Various social activities:

Timely organize basketball, football, badminton, table tennis, billiards, mountaineering and other recreational activities to relax the body and mind and strengthen the body after work, so that the staff participating in the activities can enhance solidarity and mutual help and the spirit of tenacious struggle, and serve the company better.